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Muddy Hands Guidelines

  • Current members are invited to submit clay-related articles, photos, equipment for sale listings, and event announcements. The deadline for submissions to Muddy Hands is the first Wednesday of each month in order to be in the monthly edition (published on the second Wednesday of each month).  Copy-ready submissions along with any photos must be sent to MuddyHands@ovcag.org. Photos should be included as an attachment, not embedded in the text of the article.

  • Each submission will only be posted once (e.g., a member’s upcoming event or listing for used equipment will appear in only one edition of the newsletter).  Corporate Sponsors are limited to posting an event no more than twice. 

  • Submissions by non-members will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Typically, listings that promote an individual’s business will not be considered for publication.

  • Submissions may be edited or rejected based on length, content, and relevance.

The Orchard Valley Ceramic Arts Guild fosters a creative, innovative and supportive environment for the education of students, professionals and the public in the ceramic arts. The Guild is a California non-profit, 501(c)3 corporation. Donations to the Guild are tax deductible.


Orchard Valley Ceramic Arts Guild

P.O Box 71046

Sunnyvale CA, 94086-1046

Copyright © 2024 Orchard Valley Ceramic Arts Guild.

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