Registration opens Feb 16th, 2025 for non-members
Vendor Registration for Art in Clay
Spring 2025
Table Sign-ups
The OVCAG Art In Clay Spring Sale at the History Club of Los Gatos is happening on -
April 25th - 5:30pm to 8:30pm
April 26th and 10:00am to 5:00pm
April 27th from 11:00am to 3:00pm
<---- Look Left on the event page to find the registration link!
The Guild will collect a commission of 20% for members or 25% for non members on all items sold at the sale.
All collected Table Fees are non-refundable.
Each participant may only request one table -
- 6-foot Table, Member: $75, Non-member: $90
- 6-foot Outdoor Table, Member: $75, Non-Member: $90
- 8-foot Table,Member: $90, Non-member: $105
- Sharing an 8-foot table with another member artist: $55 (each artist must submit a registration, members only)
- A 3% convenience fee will be added to all tables.
- A 2 x 2 feet area will be available outside for free standing garden work or hanging objects.
Sellers will be able to set up their Tables:
Thursday April 24th from 3:00pm to 8:30pm and Friday April 25th from 1:00pm to 4:30pm.
The parking lot only has 16 spaces so you may be asked to move your car after unloading.
Saturday morning you may arrive as early as 9:00am to prepare for the days sale. Break down will begin directly after closing on Sunday at 3:00pm.
General Information:
A signed and completed registration form and payment must be received by the registrar. This can be only be done online. Confirmation will be sent via email unless otherwise requested. Once accepted (except on waiting list) NO REFUNDS WILL BE ISSUED.
- All participants are asked to attend the information meeting which is mandatory for first-time participants.
- Table assignments are based on the number of participants, table size, and suitability of available space.
- Artist submissions for the sale are not juried. ALL of the items for sale must be handmade by the participating artist(s) and made of silica clay. No consignment sale of non-participating artists allowed.
- Collaborative entry is defined as work produced by multiple artists who contribute to the creation of the same work. All artists have to sign up for the sale.
- The Guild will collect a 20% commission for members and 25% for non members on all items sold at the sale.
- Sales tax (9.26%) will be added by the cashier and should not be included in your prices. Taxes will be collected and reported to CDTFA by OVCAG.
- Each artist must provide an artist ID on the registration form. New participants need to email an original artist ID/price sticker to the registrar. In case of duplicate IDs, the registrar will consult with each artist for alternatives.
- Artist ID on price tags must be "Removable" and "Printed" (not handwritten). Artist ID not matching the sample provided will not be processed and the sale excluded from the payment to artist. Recommended price tags: Avery 5408 (or similar) REMOVABLE ¾” round labels, any color.
- No selling of “seconds” allowed. Please do NOT under price your work.
- The guild provides all tables. Participants are responsible for setting up their own displays. No items for sale may be displayed on the showroom floor or under the table. Spaces under/behind tables are for storage only. Please use floor-length tablecloths in order to hide boxes underneath, etc.
- At the close of the sale on Sunday, each artist must pick up own work and help straighten up the showrooms before leaving. Unclaimed pieces will be placed in a box (not sorted) and held by the Guild for a limited period of time. The guild will not be responsible for loss or damage to any items. We will not be responsible for breaking down tables at this sale.
- Checks will be mailed following the sale after the bank has released the deposits, and all sales receipts reconciled by the finance coordinator. This usually takes 3-4 weeks.
- There will be a wine and snack reception on Friday evening from 6:00pm to 8:30pm. The wine will be supplied. Please do not bring your own wine or alcohol.
- All participants will be assigned two jobs in a combination of pre, during, and/or post sale shifts.
- All job requests taken in the registration process will be taken into consideration, but understand things need to be done and you may be the best person for that job, regardless of your requested placement.
- If you have specific restrictions/availability, let us know in the registration comment box.
- Each artist is expected to report for duty on-time and remain on the post for the entire duration of assignment. Unexcused tardiness or abandonment will result in denial of participating in future sale events, as well as $50 fine.
- We understand things happen and we are all human-In case of personal schedule conflict, each artist must make arrangements for exchange or replacement and notify the coordinator in order to avoid denial of participating in future sale events, as well as the $50 fine.
Job descriptions: (*some lifting is required)
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to us at
<---- Look Left on the event page to find the registration link!